
发布时间:2023-05-29 发布人:中拓 发布来源:/
1、 曲柄连杆机构 曲柄连杆机构是发动机实际工作循环,完成能量转换的主要运动部件。它由机体组、活塞连杆组和曲轴飞轮组等组成。在做功过程中,活塞承受燃气压力在气缸内做直线运动,通过连杆转换成曲轴的旋转运动,并从曲轴对外输出动力,而在进气、压缩和排气过程中,飞轮释放能量把曲轴的旋转运动转化成活塞的直线运动。
1. The crank connecting rod mechanism is the main moving component that completes energy conversion during the actual working cycle of the engine. It consists of a body assembly, a piston connecting rod assembly, and a crankshaft flywheel assembly. During the process of doing work, the piston undergoes linear motion in the cylinder under the pressure of gas, which is converted into the rotational motion of the crankshaft through the connecting rod, and outputs power from the crankshaft to the outside. During the intake, compression, and exhaust processes, the flywheel releases energy to convert the rotational motion of the crankshaft into linear motion of the piston.
2、 配气机构 配气机构的功用是根据发动机的工作顺序和工作过程,定时开启、关闭进气门和排气门,使可燃混合气或空气进入气缸,并使废气从气缸内排出,实现换气过程。配气机构大多数采用顶置气门式配气机构,一般由气门组、气门传动组和气门驱动组组成。
2. The function of the valve mechanism is to regularly open and close the intake and exhaust valves according to the working sequence and process of the engine, allowing the combustible mixture or air to enter the cylinder and exhaust the exhaust gas from the cylinder, achieving the gas exchange process. The majority of valve trains use overhead valve trains, which are generally composed of valve sets, valve transmission sets, and valve drive sets.
3、 燃料供给系 汽油机燃料供给系的功用是根据发动机的要求,配制出一定数量和浓度的混合气,供入 气缸,并将燃烧后的废气从气缸内排出到大气中,柴油机燃料供给系的功用是把柴油和空气分别供入气缸,在燃烧室内形成混合气并燃烧,后将燃烧后的废气排出。 沼气发电机机
3. The function of the fuel supply system for gasoline engines is to prepare a certain amount and concentration of mixed gas according to the requirements of the engine, supply it to the cylinder, and exhaust the burnt exhaust gas from the cylinder to the atmosphere. The function of the diesel engine fuel supply system is to supply diesel and air separately to the cylinder, form a mixed gas in the combustion chamber and burn it, and finally exhaust the burnt exhaust gas. Biogas generator
4、 润滑系 润滑系的功用是向作相对运动的零件表面输送定量的清洁润滑油,以实现液体摩擦,减小摩擦阻力,减轻机件的磨损,并对零件表面进行清洗和冷却,润滑系通常由润滑油道、机油泵、机油滤清器和一些阀门等组成。
4. Lubrication system The function of the lubrication system is to deliver a certain amount of clean lubricating oil to the surface of parts in relative motion to achieve liquid friction, reduce friction resistance, reduce wear of parts, and clean and cool the surface of parts. The lubrication system is usually composed of lubricating oil passages, oil pumps, oil filter and some valves.
5、 冷却系 冷却系的功用是将受热零件吸收的部分热量及时散发出去,保证发动机在适宜的温度状态下工作。水冷发动机的冷却系通常由冷却水套、水泵、风扇、水箱、节温器等组成。
5. The function of the cooling system is to timely dissipate some of the heat absorbed by the heated parts, ensuring that the engine operates at the most suitable temperature state. The cooling system of a water-cooled engine usually consists of a cooling water jacket, water pump, fan, water tank, thermostat, etc.
6、点火系 能够按时在火花塞电极间产生电火花的全部设备成为点火系。在汽油机中,气缸内的可燃混合气是靠电火花点燃的,为此在汽油机的气缸盖上装有火花塞,火花塞头部深入燃烧室内。点火系通常由蓄电池、发电机、分电器、点火线圈和火花塞等组成。
6. The ignition system refers to all equipment that can generate electric sparks between the spark plug electrodes on time. In a gasoline engine, the combustible mixture in the cylinder is ignited by an electric spark. Therefore, a spark plug is installed on the cylinder head of the gasoline engine, and the spark plug head penetrates into the combustion chamber. The ignition system usually consists of a battery, generator, distributor, ignition coil, and spark plug.
7、 启动系 发动机由静止状态过渡到工作状态,必须先用外力转动发动机的曲轴,使活塞作往复运动,气缸内的可燃混合气燃烧膨胀做功,推动活塞向下运动使曲轴旋转,发动机才能自行运转,工作循环才能自动进行。因此,曲轴在外力作用下开始转动到发动机开始自动地怠速运转的全过程,称为发动机的启动。完成启动过程所需的装置,称为发动机的启动系。 汽油机由以上两大机构和五大系统组成,即由曲柄连杆机构、配气机构、燃烧供给系、润滑系、冷却系、点火系和启动系组成;
7. The starting system engine transitions from a stationary state to a working state. It must first use external force to rotate the engine's crankshaft, causing the piston to move back and forth. The combustible mixture in the cylinder burns and expands to do work, pushing the piston downward to rotate the crankshaft. Only then can the engine run on its own and the working cycle proceed automatically. Therefore, the entire process of the crankshaft starting to rotate under external force until the engine starts to automatically idle is called engine starting. The device required to complete the starting process is called the starting system of the engine. The gasoline engine is composed of the above two major mechanisms and five major systems, namely the crank linkage mechanism, valve distribution mechanism, combustion supply system, lubrication system, cooling system, ignition system, and starting system;
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