有机废水就是以有机污染物为主的废水,有机废水易造成水质富营养化,危害比较大。 在生活污水、食品加工和造纸等工业废水中,含有碳水化合物、蛋白质、油脂、木质素等有机物质。这些物质以悬浮或溶解状态存在于污水中,可通过微生物的生物化学作用而分解。在其分解过程中需要消耗氧气,因而被称为耗氧污染物。这种污染物可造成水中溶解氧减少,影响鱼类和其他水生生物的生长。水中溶解氧耗尽后,有机物进行厌氧分解,产生硫化氢、氨和硫醇等难闻气味,使水质进一步恶化。水体中有机物成分非常复杂,耗氧有机物浓度常用单位体积水中耗氧物质生化分解过程中所消耗的氧量表示,即以生化需氧量(BOD)表示。一般用20℃时,五天生化需氧量(BOD5)表示。
Organic wastewater is wastewater mainly composed of organic pollutants, which can easily cause eutrophication of water quality and pose significant harm. In industrial wastewater such as domestic sewage, food processing, and papermaking, organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins, oils, and lignin are present. These substances exist in suspended or dissolved states in sewage and can be decomposed through the biochemical action of microorganisms. During its decomposition process, oxygen needs to be consumed, hence it is called an oxygen consuming pollutant. This pollutant can cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen in water, affecting the growth of fish and other aquatic organisms. After the dissolved oxygen in water is depleted, organic matter undergoes anaerobic decomposition, producing unpleasant odors such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and mercaptan, further deteriorating the water quality. The composition of organic matter in water is very complex, and the concentration of oxygen consuming organic matter is commonly expressed as the amount of oxygen consumed during the biochemical decomposition process of oxygen consuming substances per unit volume of water, which is expressed as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Generally, it is expressed as the five day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) at 20 ℃.
Main customer groups
The main customer groups of organic wastewater biogas power generation units include paper mills, alcohol factories, starch factories, pharmaceutical factories, biochemical factories, etc. Currently, the cost of treating the "three wastes" in industrial production such as citric acid, alcohol, and paper mills is increasing. The "environmental storm" that began last year has made the treatment of the three wastes a matter of life and death for enterprises.
There are three main ways to treat the "three wastes" in industrial production:

One is to adopt reasonable and effective governance methods for the "three wastes";
The second is to improve the synthesis process and eliminate pollution in the production process; The third is to make reasonable use of the "three wastes" and turn waste into treasure.
要从根本上消灭污染,关键是要对产生污染的每一个环节和步骤进行认真分析和研究,把污染消灭在工艺生产过程中,实现清洁生产。另外,要大力开发废物的综合利用技术,增加企业的经济效益,保证企业的竞争优势。 我们这里讨论的 “三废”主要指其中的有机废水。工业有机废水来源很多,主要来自柠檬酸、制糖、酒精、造纸、养殖、PTA等行业,这些行业目前处理污水的主流方式是采用生化法进行处理,处理过程中产生大量沼气,根据估算,每生产一吨柠檬酸可产生大约225方沼气,其中甲烷含量可达60%左右,这种沼气用于发电是一种非常好的燃料,每方沼气可以发1.7度电,效益非常可观。生产一吨酒精可产生300方沼气,甲烷含量可达70%,热值更高。其它行业类同,产生的沼气量都很可观。
To fundamentally eliminate pollution, the key is to carefully analyze and study every link and step that produces pollution, eliminate pollution in the production process, and achieve clean production. In addition, efforts should be made to develop comprehensive waste utilization technologies to increase the economic benefits of enterprises and ensure their competitive advantage. The "three wastes" we are discussing here mainly refer to organic wastewater. There are many sources of industrial organic wastewater, mainly from industries such as citric acid, sugar making, alcohol, papermaking, aquaculture, PTA, etc. Currently, the mainstream method for treating wastewater in these industries is to use biochemical methods for treatment. During the treatment process, a large amount of biogas is generated. According to estimates, each ton of citric acid produced can produce about 225 cubic meters of biogas, with methane content reaching about 60%. This biogas is a very good fuel for power generation, Each square meter of biogas can generate 1.7 kWh of electricity, with significant benefits. Producing one ton of alcohol can produce 300 cubic meters of biogas, with a methane content of up to 70% and a higher calorific value. Similar to other industries, the amount of biogas produced is considerable.
Energy saving and environmental protection
The biogas digester adopts a push flow anaerobic fermentation process, and 9 new underground tanks are built with a volume of 1200 cubic meters. The biogas digester needs to reach a normal temperature of 10 to 25 ℃ in order to produce gas. The company has built underground digesters, thickened soil layers for insulation, utilized generator hot water and flue gas recovery for heating, and disinfected pig houses for water flow. In the current low winter temperature of 1 to 3 ℃, the temperature of the biogas digester can reach above 19 ℃. A 60 kW biogas generator set has been installed and operated for nearly a month, and can generate electricity for 6 to 8 hours per day, Solved the technical problem of not being able to generate electricity due to low temperature in winter. In the summer and autumn seasons, the power generation unit can generate 10-12 hours of electricity per day, with an annual power generation capacity of 190000 kilowatts per hour, saving over 300000 yuan in electricity bills.
The above is the content introduced by the gas generator set manufacturer to everyone. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content http://linshi2.weidaoshang.com If you want to learn more, welcome to call for consultation!